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Selasa, 29 Maret 2011


      Gudeg claw is precisely the Javanese cuisine in solo.Gudeg claw contains, sambal goreng krecek, tempeh and sweet, marinated tofu, egg and chicken opor pindang ....
      This food is perfect for those of you who are lazy to cook again in the morning, because sales of warm mostly just in the morning at around 07.00 am until 10:30 pm, For those of you who want to get warm, please visit the following ......


Rabu, 23 Maret 2011

Food typical of Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia is suitable for those of you who like spicy food and berkuah, let alone eaten during the day in the swamp (hut), waaaaaaaahhhh ..., it makes us forget everything, especially served with crackers, chili sauce, and accompanied by a fresh drink, we will be addicted.

This soup is made from a mixture of garlic, red onion, keluak, ginger, hazelnut turmeric, red Jabe and salt pan with oil mixture to get a delicious flavor, then pour beef broth, and enter the beef and add enough water, boil until a few minutes , enter the bay leaves, lemon grass, galangal, lime leaves and a little sugar. (please fix)